In "A Short History of Modern Philosophy," Roger Scruton embarks on a captivating journey through the evolution of philosophical thought from the 17th to the 20th century. With eloquence and...
Delve into the intricate world of gender studies with the comprehensive yet concise "Gender Studies One Liner Capsule for CSS PMS" by Rai Mansab Ali, published by ILMI. This meticulously...
In "Gender Studies Terms and Debates" by Anne Cranny Francis, Wendy Waring, Pam Stavropoulos, and Joan Kirkby, readers are introduced to a comprehensive exploration of the key concepts, theories, and...
"Jinnah, India, Partition, Independence" by Jaswant Singh offers an in-depth exploration of the complex political and historical dynamics surrounding the partition of India in 1947. Through a meticulous examination of...
Mutala Pakistan Class XII By Subhan Khan Sharwarni is an educational resource designed to provide comprehensive coverage of Pakistan Studies for students at the twelfth-grade level. Authored by Subhan Khan...